Hi John, I’m a certified Linkedin Profile Writer, resume writer and career coach. The industry is petrified about ChatGPT. From what I can gather they’re afraid that prospective clients will write their own profiles, cover letters, resumes, etc. As I see it there’s more to getting a job. One needs to network and AI doesn’t seem to do that. Joan Blumenthal ,President Career Transition Associates LLC, Chicago

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I think in the end, the proof will be in the pudding. We have lots of past history that shows what you say is true, that getting a job isn't just about posting a resume. I'm betting that humans remain important to stuff that only humans do, but maybe I'm being naive.

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Interesting discussion. I noticed a distinct difference between the practical questions and implications of AI use in education versus the theoretical solutions. It's a tough assignment (i.e., changing the way we educate our children) and I just don't see that happening. But, your point is well-taken.

Personally I liked Larry's question about expelling kids and your answer. But, if you weren't happy with your response to it, why don't you see what ChatGPT would have replied? 🤔

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The changes are a heavy lift, and they have to come in the face of a culture aligned against those changes. I wouldn't say I'm an optimist in the big picture, but I have seen such amazing turnarounds in student attitudes that I'm determined to keep trying. I hope it's more than just a lifeboat situation, and there can be a much bigger, broader change, but there really is only so much one can do.

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